

Activity Card
To raise the level of energy of participants and warmup for the further activities. To create a positive atmosphere in…

Yarn Game

Activity Card
To raise the level of energy of participants and warm up for the further activities. To create a positive atmosphere…

Where are you?

Activity Card
To raise the level of energy of participants and warm up for the further activities. To create a positive atmosphere…

Running Bridge

Activity Card
To raise the level of energy of participants and warm up for the further activities. To create a positive atmosphere…

Mango song

Activity Card
To raise the level of energy of participants through music and warmup for the further activities. To create a positive…

Finger Fitness

Activity Card
To improve hand strength/coordination and at the same time to physically and mentally energise the participants << BACK TO JAMMIN…

Animal roundup

Activity Card
To raise physical energy of participants in entertaining manner, practice non-verbal communication, provide space for bonding in entertaining manner <<…